Bringing Ideas to Reality ✨ tagline
Hey there 👋 I'm Gurvinder Singh a.k.a Gxuri - I don't have a niche, I'm a generalist. I work on web, mobile, desktop, server, embedded systems, IoT, blockchain, applied AI. I've worked with clients like Apple Inc.. I love Modern UI/UX, Computer Science, and creating elegant solutions to complex problems.bio
Frontend: React, Next.js, TailwindCSS, SCSS, Headless UI, ShadCN UI, Framer motion, GSAP, Redux, Recoil, Zustand, SWR, Tanstack Query, Tanstack Router, React Hook Form, clerk, NextAuth
Javascript runtime: Node.js, Bun, Deno
Backend: Express.js, Fastapi, Flask, Go
Database: MySQL, MongoDB, DynamoDB, PostgreSQL, Redis
Cloud: AWS Certified, Vercel, Cloudflare, Firebase
Web3: Solana/web3.js, Solana Wallet Provider, Ethers.js
Firmware: C, C++, Rust, Python